New JOLCC.ORG's APC Started June 2024
Since June 2024, the peer-reviewed International Journal of Linguistics, Culture, and Communication (JOLCC) indexed in ICI Copernicus Index, Dimensions, & Crossref, E-ISSN: 2988-1641 charges a manuscript publication fee to cover the cost of open access publishing. If a paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publication costs. These costs include paper management, peer review, editing, formatting, marketing, indexing, production, hosting on various servers, website maintenance, electricity, internet, staff salaries, and DOI numbers. Therefore, to help with all the administrative costs, contributors whose articles are published will be asked to contribute Publication Fee or Article Processing Charge (APC) with the minimum amount of IDR 300.000, - for Indonesian and 35 USD for Foreigners.